As John Andrew Holmes wisely said,
"Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have been waiting
centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossible to do that thing."


Sunday, December 18, 2011


Just a reminder that Hands-on-4-Kids Preschool will be closed from Monday Dec. 26 thru Monday, Jan 2. Opening again on Tuesday, January 3,2012.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year full of blessings!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Questions Create Thinking
Weekly Tip from the Love and Logic® Experts

At Love and Logic® we believe that kids are best prepared for the real world when we allow them to do as much thinking as possible. It's good practice for the real world, and it keeps the monkey off of our backs most of the time.
How do we avoid falling into this trap? One strategy involves using plenty of questions!
To find out how you can help your child become a creative thinker go HERE.

Oranges galore!

Recently, students took a little field trip up the street to visit a neighbor. This friend of ours had a large orange tree that grew from her compost pile. Students were intrigued by this magnificent tree and now have very big expectations of our own compost bin at HO4K. It will be interesting to see what we can grow! We continue our learning in planting, recycling, nutrition and our environment.

Students always love exploring and using their senses. Students observed the tree and the oranges. We compared the leaves, the branches and the sizes of several different oranges. Students loved to smell and taste the oranges. We talked about the different measurements of an orange ie., how heavy, how large, etc.

 We each were able to find and pick our very own orange! This was a tricky choice for some of us!

While taking this trip we have a great opportunity to talk a great deal about safety. The students learned to STOP, LOOK and LISTEN while crossing the street. This is important as we need to be aware of any dangers that are near. We practiced this several times together!

Students also learned about respecting others property. We talked about how the mail in mailboxes is private information that is only to be viewed by the person who lives at that house. Students understand that they are never to look in, or touch mail that does not belong to them.

What a special treat it was to go out and enjoy a nature walk with such a beautiful day! We always have so much fun when we go on our adventures together.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Living Love and Logic Tip #27

The Power of Positive Feelings
Weekly Tip from the Love and Logic® Experts

I love the smell of burnt toast! That aroma…coupled with the odor of overcooked coffee…always leaves a warm feeling in my heart.
I once met a woman who loved the sound of trains. In fact, she loved this sound so much that she purchased a house near the tracks…so that she could experience the bone-rattling rumbles and blaring horns 24 hours a day.
Like this woman, I learned to love something because of the unconscious associations I developed through my experience as a child. Every time I went to my loving grandparents' home, my grandmother managed to burn the toast…and burn the coffee. This woman had a similar experience. Her loving grandmother lived…you guessed it…next to the train tracks.
The power of positive feelings is immense! When our kids experience love and joy coupled with chores…they associate doing chores with positive feelings.
To learn more about how you can help your children have the power of positive thinking go HERE.

At HO4K students learn life skills as well as academics. Students participate in many activities from cooking, planting, cleaning, etc. It is important that as adults we model and teach appropriate methods to complete these skills. Providing many opportunities for children to practice these skills gives them the confidence that they can do things successfully by themselves. Completing these everyday tasks will be important for their futures as independent children. Below, students are learning how to properly fold towels that we use at school. They are working together as well as independently to complete a task. 

Demonstrate self-help skills (e.g., put blocks away, pour juice, use soap when washing hands).
2.PK.3a Use toys and materials with care.
Clean up or put away toys and materials when finished.

Children begin to complete simple tasks together.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Out little ones are growing and learning!

There are many ways that our little learners participate throughout the day. We love watching them grow and develop. Everyday it seems we see growth. Young children develop confidence in writing when they are included in real writing activities and have many exploring opportunities. Below are some of the activities we have done recently.

She HAS to keep up with the big kids! She got a noodle and tried coloring on the we gave her a crayon and paper since SHE knew what she wanted to do! Wow! Not only is she practicing her fine motor skills, she is getting familiar with text and writing utensils! At the same time, she is learning that she can communicate ideas through pictures or symbols.

Painting? Why not? Little ones love to express themselves and have fun seeing the changes that occur on paper when first discovering paint. This is another way to encourage younger children to communicate and explore. These pictures, squiggles, and lines are the beginnings of their writing.

We provide many opportunities for our toddlers to develop the physical skills that will be needed for future writing. In order for children to be able to control tools like pencils and markers, they must develop motor coordination in their hands. We encourage the children through several hands-on activities such as: stacking blocks, puzzle work, finger painting, and Playdough play. These will help develop the necessary fine-motor skills needed for writing.

Monday, November 21, 2011


HO4K's will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday the 24th, and Friday the 25th. We will see you again on Monday!

Living Love and Logic Tip #25

When Kids Get Defiant
Weekly Tip from the Love and Logic® Experts

"I'm not doing that! You can't make me!"
Have you ever heard this from a student…or your child at home?
Success in this situation rests entirely on resisting the urge to rely on power and coercion to force kids to do what we want. Listed HERE are some tips and ideas provided by the Love and Logic experts to help!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our Little Monsters

Holidays are always more fun with little ones!

Our little monsters had such a great Halloween. We had a week full of Halloween art projects and a day of fun food creations. The students dressed up and we had many different characters dance to the music, sing the songs and repeat the spooky Halloween poems. Even our little ones were in character.

For snack we made Frankenstein pudding! This delicious treat was made possible with the help of one of our amazing moms! The kids loved eating the gooey green dessert!
One of our food creations was alphabet soup made in a pumpkin! Students took turns adding ingredients and mixing the soup. What a yummy lunch for our special day!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


*Portrait Day is Tues, Nov 8 at 9am.
*It is a Christmas background with portraits returned in time for Christmas!
*No obligation, only pay after viewing proofs.
*Please bring your child even if this is not your child's regularly scheduled day so that all children are in the class composite.
*Siblings also welcome.

(Please keep in mind it is easier to work with the child if the photographer does not have to compete with the parent for the child's attention, therefore, we request that you let your child settle into class as usual, making it a comfortable and fun experience for all...thank you!!)

Welcome to our new friend Jack! He will be attending morning preschool! He just turned 2 in September and we are looking forward to getting to know him. Glad to have you with us Jack!


Nasty Back Talk
Weekly Tip from the Love and Logic® Experts

As Mom walked out of the teacher's room after a long discussion about Jake's lack of motivation and failure to do homework, she told Jake to put on his coat.
"I don’t have to. It's not cold," he snapped.
"I mean it, young man. You listen to me!"
"Oh, all right, I'll do it, but you're a retard!"
"Don’t you talk to me like that. You show a little respect, young man!"
Turning to the teacher, Mom asked, "What do I do with this kid?"
SO... what do you do? Find out how to handle this situation with another Love and Logic weekly tip HERE.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Love and Logic parenting skills class is a Nevada Registry Approved training for a 5 week course (10 hours). 

What is a LOVE AND LOGIC class?

Classes are facilitated by JoAnn Worthen Nelson who has over 30 years experience in the field. Learn what to do when kids drain your energy, time-out doesn’t work, and kids won’t listen. End exhausting hassles over power struggles, whining, hitting, arguing, talking back, bed time routines, chores, rivalry with siblings and friends, and meal time. Learn how to give children skills to resist tattling, being bossy, and hurting others. Teach responsibility without creating anger and resentment. Also Enroll in class today and learn tips and simple solutions like the following.....


It came from the backseat. It crept up while we were on the phone. It wasn't a monster, but something much more menacing - kids arguing.
Have you noticed that kids pick the worst times to start bickering? Few things can be as annoying or draining for parents. What options do we have when kids argue with each other? How about:
  • Whether we are physically present to hear it or not?
  • How much we charge to listen to it?
  • How we react?
  • What we model?
What statements can we make in these situations to help keep the problem of arguing on the kids' shoulders where that problem belongs?
Some parents try this one:
"It sounds like you guys are having a problem - and it will be interesting to see how you solve it."
And if they don't solve it?
Parents can solve the problem - perhaps by "charging" the kids something to put back the energy it took to listen to that fighting. Some parents charge $1 per minute to listen to arguing in the car (or other situations in which the parent can't "escape"). Other parents charge by offering some of their own chores for the children to accomplish to put back the drained energy.
Many parents using Love and Logic techniques have success empowering their kids to solve problems and resolve conflicts (on their own) rather than reacting with anger and frustration in the moment. And when the kids don't resolve things wisely, it costs them something.
You can hear more great ideas for sibling arguing and bickering in one of the classes facilitated by JoAnn. (see attached information for upcoming classes)


Sunday, October 23, 2011


Just a reminder we will be closed this Friday, Oct 28 for Nevada Day.

Monday, Oct 31 will be our Halloween celebration! We are excited to have 2 cooking classes to celebrate that day. 1st at 9:00am will be a Frankenstein pudding for am snack. Then our traditional Halloween Parade at 9:30 am. You can send your child's costume or they can wear it that day. After snack.... about 10:45Am 2nd cooking class will be Alphabet soup baked in a pumpkin. OOoooo! If Monday is not your regularly scheduled day, you are welcome to bring your child and stay for the celebration....the more the scarier!! (Cackle, cackle)

I have not heard from Ms Jenny yet to reschedule last weeks cancelled "Movement and Music" class, (she was sick) however, we are planning for her this Thursday for our regularly scheduled class.

Please call or see me if you have any questions.

Thanks for sharing your "little monsters" with us!

Moving our bodies and Color Me Healthy

Anytime we move our bodies is a good time! Students love being active and at times show their nature of competitiveness. Students have enjoyed the challenge of target throwing and competing against each other and improving their personal best. Not only is this fun, but the Nevada preschool standards go on to state that eye-hand coordination, manipulation skills, strength, dexterity and control are all essential for the physical development of fine motor skills. Through active participation in these activities, children will develop necessary future skills such as eye-hand coordination, strength and dexterity, and control of writing utensils.

Physical Movement standards addressed:
2.PK.2 Perform a variety of large motor skills (e.g., throw a ball in purposeful direction, attempt to catch a large ball).
4.PK.1 Engage in daily moderate to vigorous physical activity.
5.PK.1 Participate appropriately during physical activities.
5.PK.2 Demonstrate turn taking and cooperation during physical activities.
5.PK.3 Interact positively with others regardless of personal differences (e.g., skill level, gender, race, and disability).
5.PK.4 Participate in multi-cultural activities that enhance physical development (e.g., dance, games, and activities).
6.PK.1 Demonstrate skills in eye-hand coordination (e.g., stacking, sorting, lacing toys, stringing beads, reproducing basic patterns, complete six-piece puzzle, Legos and peg-boards).

The Nevada preschool curriculum further states: "Knowledge and habits of healthful living begin early in life. While young children are not in charge of providing themselves with a healthy  environment and lifestyle, they can begin the life-long process of developing habits of healthy living and physical activity. Children feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when taking an active role in preparing nutritious snacks, maintaining a clean and healthy environment, and caring for their bodies.They begin to understand how daily activities promote overall personal health and safety when they are able to: Distinguish between healthy and non-healthy foods, take care of personal hygiene, follow basic safety rules, and identify feelings."

"Children learn as they live. Every program for young children needs to have established routines involved in healthy living. Children are able to choose from healthy snacks and lunches and begin to recognize the necessity of food and water for life. Habits of washing hands, brushing teeth and keeping their environment clean, safe and healthy are established during the period of early childhood. While children are engaging in these activities, teachers interact with them,informally introducing information and facts about healthy living." (see the Nevada preschool standards HERE)

To help our students learn about healthy living, we have been participating in a new program called "Color Me Healthy." This program is focused on providing fun, innovative, interactive learning opportunities with physical activity and healthy eating. Every day students participate in different physical activities and then monitor their heart rates. Look for your child to come home with a red wagon stamp. This means that they participated in an activity that gave them a vigorous heartbeat. They love challenging themselves and being active.
This new program helps to establish many new healthy habits and an active lifestyle for our little ones.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Different Approaches to Bringing up Kids
Weekly Tip from the Love and Logic® Experts

I know of two dads with different approaches to bringing up their kids. One dad has already bailed his boy out of jail twice for being in the wrong place with the wrong kids, doing the wrong things. He has lectured his boy on the problems he has created and what’s going to happen if he doesn’t straighten out.
The other dad had a discussion early in his son's life, "You know, pal. My grandpa had a rule about never getting a lawyer and bailing his kids out of jail. My dad had the same rule. It's become a tradition in our family. I think I'm going to have the same rule so that we can maintain that tradition. So if ever you find yourself in jail, don't take it personally if you don't get bailed out. It's the family tradition."
Which parent gave his son a special gift of love by meeting the child's need to think about consequences?
Which parent met his own need to feel in control?
Which parent is in for increasing problems with his youngster?
Which father has the best kid in the long term?
We all know the answer.
Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fireman Oh!

We are so lucky to have so many wonderful parents at HO4K. Last week Fireman Oh, a parent, came in to teach the students all about fire safety. The students learned about all of the different clothing items, tools and  equipment that firemen use. We learned not to be afraid of the appearance and noise that firemen make when they come to save us in an emergency.

One of the most important things we learned from Fireman Oh was what to do if we were to catch on fire. Above we are listening to the steps and then we practiced! Fireman Oh showed us how to "Stop, Drop and Roll!" We loved practicing this at home and can show you how to do it! Just ask your little one when they get home!

Some Nevada State Standards addressed through this presentation:
1.PK.5Identify some safety rules (e.g., fire safety, traffic/pedestrian safety, dangerous objects/substances/activities, etc.).

Recognize community health and safety helpers (e.g., police, firefighters, doctors).


Listen for a variety of purposes with increasing attention span.

Listen to and follow a two-step oral direction with the use of formal and informal language

Listen with increasing attention span to gain new vocabulary.

Use and expand vocabulary to describe feelings, experiences, observations and ideas.

Ask and answer simple questions.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Living and non-living

We continue to explore the world around us. It is important for children to be able to decipher the difference between living and non-living objects. In the far left jar you can see the avocado plants that we have been working hard to grow. (See the past post on avocado plants to learn more about this ongoing project). Students have discovered, displayed and continue to observe, objects that are both living and non-living.  

Students have measured and compared several different plants. We chart the growth of plants and continue to learn about what helps them to grow strong and healthy. We have noticed that our avocado plant growing in the soil is healthier and growing faster than then one in water.

We have sorted, compared and discussed the difference between objects that are living and non-living. Using our five senses we have observed these objects and understand that living things need air, water, food, etc. to continue to grow. We have been very careful to take care of our growing plants at school.

Students learned about the different parts of a flower. These flowers were donated by a student and we loved taking them apart to see the flower structure. Next, student took turns examining them and sorting the petals into groups by color. Here students talked about observable characteristics and worked together to figure out the different groups and placements.

Although there are many Nevada State Preschool Standards addressed throughout these learning opportunities, below are examples from the science core curriculum:

N.PK1.a Observe their world.
N.PK1.b Ask questions about their world.
N.PK.3 Use tools safely to observe and explore different objects/environments.
N.PK.5 Students work in small groups and share ideas with others regarding to science related activities.
E.PK.4 Identify and sort different natural objects(e.g., rocks, soils, etc.).
P.PK.1Sort objects according to observable properties (e.g., by shape and color).
P.PK.3 Explore what happens to objects in relation to other forces (e.g., magnets, gravity, and water).
P.PK.4 Investigate how objects react when placed in water.
L.PK.7 Identify and/or sort plants and animals by observable characteristics.
L.PK.8 Observe living and non-living things on Earth.