As John Andrew Holmes wisely said,
"Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have been waiting
centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossible to do that thing."


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Moving our bodies and Color Me Healthy

Anytime we move our bodies is a good time! Students love being active and at times show their nature of competitiveness. Students have enjoyed the challenge of target throwing and competing against each other and improving their personal best. Not only is this fun, but the Nevada preschool standards go on to state that eye-hand coordination, manipulation skills, strength, dexterity and control are all essential for the physical development of fine motor skills. Through active participation in these activities, children will develop necessary future skills such as eye-hand coordination, strength and dexterity, and control of writing utensils.

Physical Movement standards addressed:
2.PK.2 Perform a variety of large motor skills (e.g., throw a ball in purposeful direction, attempt to catch a large ball).
4.PK.1 Engage in daily moderate to vigorous physical activity.
5.PK.1 Participate appropriately during physical activities.
5.PK.2 Demonstrate turn taking and cooperation during physical activities.
5.PK.3 Interact positively with others regardless of personal differences (e.g., skill level, gender, race, and disability).
5.PK.4 Participate in multi-cultural activities that enhance physical development (e.g., dance, games, and activities).
6.PK.1 Demonstrate skills in eye-hand coordination (e.g., stacking, sorting, lacing toys, stringing beads, reproducing basic patterns, complete six-piece puzzle, Legos and peg-boards).

The Nevada preschool curriculum further states: "Knowledge and habits of healthful living begin early in life. While young children are not in charge of providing themselves with a healthy  environment and lifestyle, they can begin the life-long process of developing habits of healthy living and physical activity. Children feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when taking an active role in preparing nutritious snacks, maintaining a clean and healthy environment, and caring for their bodies.They begin to understand how daily activities promote overall personal health and safety when they are able to: Distinguish between healthy and non-healthy foods, take care of personal hygiene, follow basic safety rules, and identify feelings."

"Children learn as they live. Every program for young children needs to have established routines involved in healthy living. Children are able to choose from healthy snacks and lunches and begin to recognize the necessity of food and water for life. Habits of washing hands, brushing teeth and keeping their environment clean, safe and healthy are established during the period of early childhood. While children are engaging in these activities, teachers interact with them,informally introducing information and facts about healthy living." (see the Nevada preschool standards HERE)

To help our students learn about healthy living, we have been participating in a new program called "Color Me Healthy." This program is focused on providing fun, innovative, interactive learning opportunities with physical activity and healthy eating. Every day students participate in different physical activities and then monitor their heart rates. Look for your child to come home with a red wagon stamp. This means that they participated in an activity that gave them a vigorous heartbeat. They love challenging themselves and being active.
This new program helps to establish many new healthy habits and an active lifestyle for our little ones.

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