As John Andrew Holmes wisely said,
"Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have been waiting
centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossible to do that thing."


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

“Becoming a Love and Logic Parent”/Provider CLASSES 2011:

Facilitated by JoAnn Worthen Nelson who has over 30 years experience in the field. Learn what to do when kids drain your energy, time-out doesn’t work, and kids won’t listen. End exhausting hassles over bed time routines, chores, rivalry with siblings and friends, meals and power struggles. Learn how to give children skills to resist tattling, being bossy, hurting others and whining. Teach responsibility without creating anger and resentment.


Simply get a group of your friends/ colleagues together that want to Improve & Build Relationships with the Children in their lives! Meet in your home/facility or JoAnn’s. You could SAVE over $100! (All Classes approved for training hours through the Nevada Registry) (Email: or Text: 275-6218 or Call 775-557-8580 for additional information)

Thurs May 26-June 23 5 Week Course“Becoming a Love and Logic Parent” / Provider 10 hours total 6:00pm-8:00pm. Location: Henderson Multigenerational Ctr. 250 S. Green Valley Pkwy. Cost: $50 per person with $25. book fee at first class.

Supervised playtime for children ages 1-6 yrs available in HMGC’s Kids Corner $10 per course Enrollment: In person @ above address or online Course # 193064-24

Thurs June 30 2 hour Intro or Refresher Course “Becoming a Love and Logic Parent” / Provider 2 hours total 6:00pm-8:00pm Location: Henderson Multigenerational Ctr. 250 S. Green Valley Pkwy. FREE!!!!!!!

Supervised playtime for children ages 1-6 yrs available in HMGC’s Kids Corner ($2. per child) Enrollment: In person @ above address or online Course #193064-26

Thurs July 7 –Aug 4 5 Week Course “Becoming a Love and Logic Parent” / Provider 10 hours total 6:00pm-8:00pm. Location: Henderson Multigenerational Ctr. 250 S. Green Valley Pkwy. Cost: $50 per person with $25. book fee at first class.

Supervised playtime for children ages 1-6 yrs available in HMGC’s Kids Corner $10 per course Enrollment: In person @ above address or online Course # 193064-24

Thurs Aug 25 2 hour Intro or Refresher Course.“Becoming a Love and Logic Parent” / Provider 2 hours total 6:00pm-8:00pm. Location: Henderson Multigenerational Ctr. 250 S. Green Valley Pkwy. FREE!!!!!!!

Supervised playtime for children ages 1-6 yrs available in HMGC’s Kids Corner ($2. per child) Enrollment: In person @ above address or online Course #193064-26


Picture this. You're attending a school event and you overhear the following conversation at the refreshment table:
One mom says: "I don't give my kids any allowance at all. They have to do all their chores before they get a dime from me!"
Another Mom chimes in: "You don't? My kids get $20 a week no matter what!"
Then, a Dad pipes up: "My kids aren't allowed to even touch money until they’re 16!"
There are as many opinions about allowance as there are ways to spend money. Many parents think that allowance should be earned. Other folks think kids are too young or immature to ever be given any financial responsibility.
What do the Love and Logic® experts say?
If we give equipment to kids to play sports and instruments to play music then it follows we should give kids money to learn how to use it wisely.
In the truest sense of the word, an allowance allows. It allows kids to learn the value and meaning of money with hands-on experiences. And itallows parents the opportunities to prepare their children for their financial future.
Here are a few ways to get started:
  • Separate allowance from chores. Chores are contributions kids should do for free because they are a part of your family.

  • Provide opportunities to earn money. If you want your kids to learn to earn money, you can give them jobs to do. Jobs are extra tasks beyond chores that kids can be paid to do.

  • Nothing teaches the value of a buck faster than running out of money when you really want something. The amount of allowance is not as important as kids getting to practice with their own money when mistakes are small and affordable.
For suggestions for how much allowance, the best time to start, along with age-appropriate lists of contributions vs. jobs, check out my book,Millionaire Babies or Bankrupt Brats? Love and Logic Solutions to Teaching Kids About Money, co-authored with Jim Fay.
While the value of a dollar may change, the value of learning how to wisely manage a dollar will not.
Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend.
Kristan Leatherman, M.S.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Just a reminder that you can sign your child up for swimming lessons with certified life guard and water safety instructor Randee Bothof. Lessons will be held M-Th in two week sessions starting June 13 through August 25th. The forty minute  program is developmentally appropriate to provide basic swimming skills and opportunity to build confidence in the water. Pre-teen, teen and adult lessons are available upon request. Lessons are available for $65.00 for a group or $90.00 for private instruction. Please contact Randee is interested:
(702) 426-6822


At HO4K we encourage hands-on experiences while providing opportunities to experiment and observe the world through a variety of realia. Students have been working hard to learn more about our Earth. Through their curiosity, students have developed awareness that investigations help them learn more about the natural world.
Together, students have been helping to plant new flowers and vegetables at HO4K. We will be using the plants over the next few weeks/months to observe and describe the different properties of the plants, rocks, soil and water.
Students learned about the basic needs of living things. Talking about water, proper soil, food and air for our plants was just the start! This student worked on large motor skills, while replacing the desert dirt with healthy soil, and sifting out rocks.
Students learn to cooperatively help one another and take turns as they demonstrate responsible caring for their plants. Just as our bodies need food and water to grow, so do the flowers. What great helpers we have!

Plenty of water with good soil and sunshine help our plants with the nutrients they need to grow!
A large part of science is observing patterns. Here students are observing the growth of our plants and comparing difference and similarities in growth among various vegetables. Students have formed predictions as to new growth patterns of these plants. We will see if our predictions are true or false. Our plants outside include lettuce, zucinni and summer squash plus small and large sunflowers.

Friday, May 20, 2011


We LOVE it when it is "dancing Thursdays" with Ms Jenny! While dancing we express ourselves while experiencing, learning and communicating with music. Look at all the fun things we do with our bodies! We laugh, dance and have a blast!
 WE CAN wiggle in front of us, behind us, to the left and to the right!
 WE CAN wiggle while balancing on one foot and then the other!
WE CAN wiggle down low and up high!
WE CAN wiggle our hands, feet, and everything in between!
WE CAN make loud, soft, fast and slow music together!
 WE CAN move with a variety of props and music.

                                         WE CAN use our imaginations and have a magical time!
                               WE CAN create, imagine, celebrate and move! We love you Ms Jenny!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


It is important to incorporate literacy constantly throughout the day, and
across the curriculum. Here are a few literacy "moments", many of which 
can be done again at home to reinforce new literacy skills!
Writing at the easel with chalk is one of many various writing tools students use 
to reinforce letter formation. Large motor (shoulder), as well as small motor (fingers)
skills are needed as the tracing occurs. Writing the letter, students practice
the name, the form and sound of each letter. 

Fine motor skills that emphasize motor control, precision, and accuracy of movement help students develop handwriting and other small motor skills.  Students practice sorting using pincer control skills. Other math skills are enhanced by first using touch and count, then advancing into counting without touching (above with the dice). Students practice counting from left to right and from top to bottom.

Students benefit from classroom environments that expose them to various forms of literature. Students who enjoy listening to and discussing storybooks and informational text, will have a higher desire to learn to read independently. Students practice their listening comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, and phonemic awareness while listening to others read. It is so important to incorporate at least 20 minutes of reading each day with your little ones. 

Here students participate in comprehension questions and interactive reading activities! What fun they are having while listening and learning!

Listening to a variety of readers is important as it demonstrates others appreciation and love for literature!  We LOVE it when parents "give a minute" by reading a book or participating in any way. So stop bye and stay a minute!


Guiding children to solve their problems can be effective when using the following 5 steps!

Step 1: Always provide a strong dose of empathy and listen.

Step 2: Ask, "What do you think you are going to do?'

Step 3: When they shrug their shoulders, ask, "Would you like to hear what some other kids try?"

Step 4: Give them two or three possible solutions. After each, ask, "How will that work for you?"

Step 5: Allow them to learn from the happy or sad consequences of their choice.

 When we allow them to fix their own mistakes children gain the confidence to know they can be problem solvers! That realization makes EVERYONE happy!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Getting our little ones to complete a job can be a difficult task. Take the frustration out of parenting with these simple tips!

1. NO REMINDERS. Although this can be hard to do, it is important for accountability.
2. Give them a reasonable  deadline: " Please be sure to have the bathroom cleaned before the soccer game tomorrow at 2:00"
3. Hope they either refuse or they can learn!
4. Do the chore for them.
5. Let empathy and a consequence do the teaching.

    "This is such a bummer! I did your chores. Now I don't have the energy to drive you to your friend's house."

*Remember it gets easier!


At HO4K, students are encouraged to explore their environment through active play and hands on experiences. Science projects are created as different curiosities arise. Below are a few of the different activities students have recently participated in.  
Exploring in science is SO much fun! One recent activity that students have been working on is with rockets that we made in class. One of the State Standards is for students to explore and demonstrate how objects move. Students observed the direction of the rockets, learned about gravity and talked about their discoveries.  5 4 3 2 1.......Blast off!
To enhance observational skills, students created a telescope to explore their surroundings. Students practiced taking turns with this new science tool and compared their environmental surroundings.  
We used our small motor skills grating ivory soap. Later Ms JoAnn blends it with other ingredients and makes her own laundry detergent (which works great and only costs 50 cents a gallon)! Its easy and only takes about 30 minutes, ask her for the recipe!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Choosing an empathatic statement to use before delivering a consequence helps foster trust and love between a child and parent. It also helps a child learn responsibility and not create resentment. Choose one statement that fits your personality and is easy for you to remember.

*This is so sad.             * What a bummer.                *On man. That's too bad.
* That's never good.     * Dang. That's awful.             *This stinks.

Remember to practice this statement and if helpful, post reminder notes in accessible spots!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


At Hands On 4 Kids, we love our little ones! They are so sweet!

Storytime is so important for even our smallest learners.  The pleasant activity of listening to and talking about stories trains a child's brain, ears, and eyes for eventual success in learning to read. 

Look who loves to help! Our older kids are so careful and sweet with our younger ones.

One of our newest additions! Tummy Time is so much fun! Plus it helps with both fine and gross motor skills in infants.

Taking a break! Look who loves crackers!