As John Andrew Holmes wisely said,
"Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have been waiting
centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossible to do that thing."


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bubble blast!

 Experimenting with different bubble wands was a blast! Students took turns predicting the shapes and sizes of bubbles before blowing with different wands. It is amazing that different wands actually do create different bubbles. We all participated, taking turns even with our little ones! Bubbles are always fun to blow, but even more fun to catch, pop and stomp on!

At HO4K we always love the warmer months as it allows for so much adventure and fun outside! Make sure your child has their water clothes and sunscreen on each day, as we don't want them to miss out on any of the fun.


Oppositional and Defiant Kids: Regaining Control of Your Life
Weekly Tip from the Love and Logic® Experts

Perhaps you know one of those kids…the type who absolutely loves seeing your face turn red and hearing your voice get loud. Oh, the power they must experience upon seeing our veins bulge!
Power corrupts.
When kids see that they can control the color of our face, the tone of our voice and our emotions, it doesn't take long for them to get addicted. With this addiction comes the desire for ever increasing power. In their desperate quest for this power, they push more and more emotional buttons.
The more unhealthy control kids acquire the more out-of-control they become.
In my new webinar, Success with Strong-Willed, Stubborn or Downright Defiant Kids, I provide four hours of tips and tools dedicated to helping parents and educators regain healthy control around Napoleon-like kids…those children bent on world domination. To view a brief sampling of techniques you can begin experimenting with today go HERE!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Living Love and Logic Tip #39

Weekly Tip from the Love and Logic® Experts

One of our Facebook friends wrote, "Is lying about brushing your teeth something to drop for my 11-year-old son? As we are pressing into the teenage years I am questioning what is worth not letting go because it is still lying which I don't want to condone."
Lying is unacceptable and wise parents don't ignore it or condone it. The wise parent does two things about lying.
Very few humans, including adults, are like young George Washington in the cherry tree story. Most people, including children, tend to lie to protect themselves. If the youngster didn't brush his teeth, and the parent asks, "Did you brush your teeth?" the answer will probably be a lie. So, why ask in the first place?
A better approach might be to say, "I hope you're protecting your teeth by brushing. I've been a little worried for you since I pay for the good dentist reports and you pay for the bad ones. I hope you get a good report from the dentist."
And yes, a Love and Logic parent would have the child pay for the bad report. We don't make hollow threats. Remember that sincere empathy precedes the consequence. "How sad, a bad dentist report. Do you want to use your allowance money or what? Could you use a hug?"
To see the second idea and to read more of the article please click HERE.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Living Love and LOgic #38

Mission Impossible: Ensuring our Children a Perfect LifeWeekly Tip from the Love and Logic® Experts

Do you know parents who believe that it's their job to prepare the world for their children…so that their kids never experience any struggle, discomfort, or disappointment?
Maybe you know a slightly different variety…those who try to micromanage their children into being successful.
Both types love their kids. Nevertheless, both types make it much harder for their children to develop personal responsibility and self-esteem.
Parents dedicated to removing all discomfort, rescue their children from the consequences of their poor decisions.
Rescuing creates insecure kids, who doubt their ability to face the world without our constant protection.
Those who try to ensure success, bark orders and tell their kids exactly what to think, choose, and do.
Trying to ensure success leaves kids believing that they can't succeed on their own.
Parents who understand the Love and Logic approach allow their children to learn from plenty of affordable mistakes.

Click HERE to read more of this article and to find out how you can help your child succeed in an appropriate way!