Students love using their bodies to move to music! Here we are using our bodies to make "snow angels". We practiced moving our bodies slowly, and then fast. Although challenging at times, we worked on moving specific body groups while remaining still with others. The children always enjoy the different music we listen to and love to sing along!
Identify simple elements of music such as loud/soft and fast/slow.10.PK.1a
Move in a variety of ways to music to reinforce physical
development basic movements (e.g., over, under, in, out, in and between).
Respond to changes in tempo.4.PK.1
Engage in daily moderate to vigorous physical activity.5.PK.1
Participate appropriately during physical activities.
Demonstrate turn taking and cooperationduring physical activities.5.PK.3
Interact positively with others regardless of personal differences (e.g., skill level, gender, race, and disability).1.PK.1
Make a variety of sounds with their voices.
Create and sing chants.
Recognize and select a variety of simple songs, finger plays, musical games, and musical activities alone and with others.
Through dancing and singing, we understand the simple elements of music and demonstrate how to incorporate these elements with both our voices and bodies. We explore our creativity and learn! Its amazing how many of our Creative Expression state standards are addressed when having fun! Make sure to incorporate a little bit of music and dance at home. Your kids will love it!
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