As John Andrew Holmes wisely said,
"Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have been waiting
centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossible to do that thing."


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Marvelous Math

What have we been doing in math? Reviewing previous skills, learning new concepts and expanding our knowledge of application using basic math skills.

There are 5 main pre-kindergarten goals covered through the state standards. Those goals are:

Children develop an understanding of number and number sense.
Children develop knowledge of spatial concepts; e.g., shapes and measurement.
Children develop understanding of patterns and relationships.
Children develop knowledge of sequence and temporal awareness.
Children develop the ability to use mathematical knowledge to sort, classify, represent, communicate, and solve problems.

At HO4K these goals are the central focus of our mathematical activities and lessons. Below you will find several examples of how these goals have been implemented in our math.

The student above is practicing his coin recognition. He has sorted the coins into groups based on attributes.  After correctly sorting and identifying the coins, he was able to establish the largest set of coins and the smallest. Knowing the value of each, he further goes on to group small coins together and with teacher aid, combines the sums. It is important for our students to recognize that coins hold value and that they are used in our daily life. Having your little one help pay for groceries is a great learning tool and a necessary skill for their future.  

 Shapes are all around us and we use them often in our work. Students practice tracing shapes, labeling them with numbers and counting them. We discussed the attributes of this shape and students observed several similarities and differences between the rectangle and other shapes. We also Incorporated some language and writing as we sounded out and wrote the name. Take your kiddo on a shape scavenger hunt and see just how many shapes surround you!

 How many parents would love it if their children would help them fold the laundry!?!  When we make it into a game, anything is possible! Children first predicted how many towels they could fold in 5 minutes. After predicting, we needed to test our skills! What a great way to teach life skills that children are capable of and will need to practice before they can master. With the 5 minutes up, children were able to assess and compare their predictions to the actual amount of completed folded towels. Wow, we had great expectations of ourselves! The students then completed a graph showing the number of folded towels. What pride they took in their completed work and their helpful contributions to our school!

Before creating patterns children need to recognize the attributes of a particular object and sort them by color. Above the student is working with 2 different color blocks. After grouping them, he was able to create a simple AABAAB pattern. He even recognized the difference in size and had his pattern going from largest block to smallest. It is important that students can not only create their own patterns but replicate those patterns made by others. The student on the left, is replicating a pattern created by stickers. Replicating sticker patterns works on sequencing as well as small motor skills as he is picking, pulling and pushing the small stickers onto paper. What a great pre-writing skill!

Please remember to help reinforce these skills at home whenever possible! The more children learn that math is all around them, the more desire they have to learn.
You can review the Nevada State Preschool Standards HERE. Also check out the different examples and supportive practice ideas, many can be duplicated at home!

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