As John Andrew Holmes wisely said,
"Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have been waiting
centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossible to do that thing."


Thursday, February 14, 2013


Hello everyone! 

* I know for some of you this has been a rough week of illness! Many thanks for your care and caution in keeping your ill children home and many well wishes for quick recoveries to your children and probably most of the parents (unfortunately!) We miss your smiling faces. To help avoid spreading any other illnesses we continue to wash hands, clean and sanitize toys daily. IN ADDITION, we have tossed all play dough, removed all pretend food, and soft animals to be laundered. (we'll reintroduce them at a later date) The CC Health Department always mentions the advantage we have of having such a large room with high ceilings....more circulation lowers the risk of sharing airborne germs. I will also be posting on the door the CCHD regs on excluding from day care per our Parent Policy and Procedure Handbook just a reminder.  

* We send a warm WELCOME to several new families and are glad to add you to our group! Most are part time, so if you see a new face that I have not introduced you to please reach out a hand of welcome and introduce your fine family. 

* NEW LOVE AND LOGIC CURRICULUM! I am sending home flyer/enrollment for the upcoming L&L Class. It is the same great information UPDATED!!! (I'm very excited about it) It is a whole new format and presentation. Per our contract of agreeing to take the course, if you have not taken it or would like to freshen up it is reduced to $50 per family (even extended) instead of $80 per person. The information attached is for you to share with others you may know that could benefit from the program. (Who doesn't want to get "THE" owner's manual for raising responsible kids and bring fun into parenting!!!!) Thanks for sharing it, word of mouth (and your example of Becoming a LnL Parent (R) is always the best advertising. 

* LOST PANTS. We have misplaced one of our 2 year old boy's size 2 (maybe 3) light colored jeans. They may have mistakenly come home in your child's bag of dirty clothes. If so I apologize and thank you for laundering them! Our little owner is in need of them.... thanks for looking through your drawers and closets just in case they have been overlooked in your home.

* ANOTHER Welcome to Mr. Eddy! My husband Ed, has decided to take a position on our staff (lucky us!). It will be a great benefit to have him helping on the floor in the mornings and concentrating on marketing my sister company (Hands-On-4-Kids Early Childhood Seminars) in the afternoons. His employment as a computer programmer has been very sparse this last year. We are in high hopes of continuing to improve our income by offering more training/workshops to parents, preschool teachers and child care providers.

* Watch for us on FACEBOOK! Our blog link ( will continue in a couple of weeks, in the mean time we are setting up a FB account. As it looks we are set up as: "Handson4kids" Hope you "LIKE US" there! A HUGE THANKS goes to Amie Oliveria (Lucas' mom) for blogging so exceptionally well this last year or so. We will really miss their family as they look to a big move to Myrtle Beach, SC where Lucas' dad is now a Physician's Assistant for a Heart Surgeon. Congratulations!

Thanks for sharing your children with us! We learn something new everyday with them!!!!!


Ms. JoAnn

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