Who knew gloves could teach so much?
Matching colors!
Using small motor skills to put fingers in!
How we can dress for cold weather and keep our hands warm!
How we dress ourselves!
Cooperating with each other!
Using our talking words!
3.PK.1 Demonstrate the ability to follow basic movements (over, under, in, out, in between).
5.PK.2 Demonstrate turn taking and cooperation during physical activities.
5.PK.3 Interact positively with others regardless of personal differences (skill level, gender, race, and disability).
6.PK.2 Demonstrate the muscle strength, dexterity, and control needed to manipulate items.
2.PK.3 Demonstrate persistence by trying again when faced with challenges.
G8.K.1 Recognize weather changes with the seasons and how people adapt to those changes.
2.PK.2 Demonstrate self-help skills
6.PK.1c Use verbal and non-verbal conversation skills
5.PK.2a Participate in cooperative groups to complete a task.
7.PK.1b Listen and follow a two-step oral direction with the use of formal and informal language.
2.PK.1 Sort objects by similar attributes
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