As John Andrew Holmes wisely said,
"Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have been waiting
centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossible to do that thing."


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What To Do When Disaster Strikes

Hi Everyone,
I am forwarding an email regarding how to handle the bombings in Boston. While it is geared for children with autism, the information is nearly identical and appropriate for all young children and pre-teens.

I wish you well,

Ms. JoAnn

By now most of you have probably heard about the explosions that killed and injured people at the Boston marathon today. What can we do as parents to shield our children on the autism spectrum from this awful news?
Those on the autism spectrum often take news of disasters (whether man-made or natural disasters like earthquakes) very hard. Remember, those on the autism spectrum thrive on routine. Now, due to a terrible event like a bombing, it is possible that folks with autism will be more adversely affected than others who do not have autism. This disaster, seemingly coming out of nowhere, can create a state of anxiety and worry that can last a long time.
How to handle this situation:
1. Try to keep your children away from the TV, especially. They do not need to see dozens of ours of details of bleeding people. Also, keep newspapers and radio broadcasts away and don't forget that the internet will be full of videos and gory accounts of the mayhem.
2. Explain to your loved ones that this is an isolated incident that that they do not have to worry. You are keeping them safe. Explain that the police have the situation under control. Reassure your loved one that their routine will remain the same.
3. Control your reactions when around your children. Ideally, do NOT discuss this situation in front of young children. Your children do not need to see their parents stressed, angry or fearful. Even teenagers will get extremely anxious if they see their parents very concerned, angry and fearful. Remember, they are relying on YOU to keep them safe. Do not let them see you worried, anxious and angry. While I realize this may be upsetting, consciously try to keep your emotions in check around your autistic loved ones.
4. Ask your children how they are feeling. It is important for them to be able to express their fears and emotions. Be reassuring. Be loving. They need you to provide the safety, security and routine in order to feel safe.
Evil exists in the world. But it is isolated. Do not let your children see killings, bombings and terrible events endlessly on the TV. They will begin to think this is all around them. Remember, folks on the autism spectrum often lack the emotional maturity of others their age. When in doubt shield your children as much as possible from any negative news.

Craig Kendall

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