As John Andrew Holmes wisely said,
"Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have been waiting
centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossible to do that thing."


Monday, December 17, 2012

Santa is coming to visit!

We have arranged for Santa to visit the children tomorrow, Tuesday, December 18 from 9am to 10am. Sorry for the late notice!
If this is not your child's regular day to attend, your child may visit with you during that time.
Per our contract, we will be closed for Christmas and New Year's.
The last day of Preschool is this Friday Dec. 21, 2012. The first day back is Wednesday, Jan 2, 2013.
Please pay tuition for the first week of January by this Friday, Dec. 21, 2012. There is no charge for the week of Dec.24, 2012.
We have had a great year with your children and love each of them. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
-Ms JoAnn

Monday, December 3, 2012

Living Love and Logic Tip #61


Do you ever wonder what it's going to be like when you are old and gray…and you're dependent upon your children for daily care? Does this serve as a sobering reminder of the importance of raising responsible and empathetic kids?

One of the best strategies for raising empathetic kids involves being empathetic with our kids. Yep! Every time we use empathy, we teach it. In our audio, Keeping Cool When Parenting Heats Up, we describe how consequences gain their power from the empathy locked in before they're delivered.

Here's the problem: Empathy doesn't always come easy! That's why wise people delay their reactions or consequences by saying: "I'm too angry to think about this right now. I make better decisions when I'm calm. We'll talk later."

Is that great modeling? Would you like for your kids to learn to do this?

The next time you find a need to punish your child, experiment with prefacing the consequence with a sincere empathetic statement. For example, "Ooooh, no. That arguing on the way to the game was no fun. You might want to warn your coach that I won't be driving you to the games until I don't have to worry about that anymore."

Another strategy for modeling empathy involves reading stories to our children about others using it. In his new book, Stand in My Shoes: Kids Learning About Empathy, Dr. Bob Sornson provides a heartwarming story about a girl named Emily who discovers the power of empathy. In this book, Emily learns that focusing on the feelings of others brings the best out of others.

When our children experience empathy from us, and they learn about empathy from Emily's wonderful story, the path is laid for a lifetime of happier relationships. Watch for this book. We will have it on our shelves soon. Or, call us and be one of the first to own this book.

To read more from Love and Logic click HERE! This site is LOADED with so many useful tools for parents!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tool Bench

 Dramatic play is always a learning experience. Pretending to fix things and be a helper is a great way to encourage students to participate more at home! We love our new tool bench and easel, both donated from a past student. Thank you so much!

The tool bench is an incredibly fun way to practice fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Students love to  twist, hammer, and 
screw the different nuts and bolts. When we get home, put us to work!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Chocolate Moose

We just LOVE a good book! What fun we have when we learn after reading a book that motivates us to explore and play!
This sweet children's book is about a chocoholic moose who accidentally misreads a help-wanted sign for a mouse job at a bakery! In such a small mouse-sized bakery, this large moose runs into problems, making many mistakes and plenty of messes! But his sweet boss Mrs. Mouse, is patient and clever in helping him to feel useful! This wonderfully illustrated book helps children learn more about friendship and even the importance of reading!

After reading the story Chocolate Moose we were inspired to use our 5 senses in creating a project! First we ate chocolate "mousse" pudding. Boy, was it yummy! Next we used our fingers and the left overs to finger-paint brown paper to be used in the future! This was messy, delicious, and most of all FUN!

Throughout the story, the author uses colorful onomatopoeia (“Slurp, gulp, burp!”). We had fun coming up with our own sounds as we tasted our pudding.  This story really was silly!

Look at those sweet messy faces!  

                            After tasting and painting, we made moose antlers with our brown paper!

What a great story and what great fun we had making our very own moose antlers! This story is now one of our favorites!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Living Love and Logic Tip #60

They Won't Stay in Their Beds

Seven-year-old Jason and three-year-old Tony share a room. Their parents say that bedtime is frustrating. The two go into their room and before long they are out of their beds being silly.
Mom and Dad have tried taking away toys to get them to settle down, but things haven't improved. "We've taken away most of their toys, but they just don't seem to care," reports Dad.
We have two problems here (and a solution):
  • Love and Logic does not advocate taking away possessions as a disciplinary measure. Once kids figure out that we are trying to teach them a lesson by taking things away, they soon start designing ways of showing us they don't care. Even if they do care, they don't want us to know it, so they won't show it.

    This idea could be confusing because we often suggest that kids use their possessions to raise money needed to solve a problem. For instance, a child might sell or pawn his iPod to raise enough money to send his folks to the movies to help them restore the energy they spent waiting up and worrying when he came home two hours late.
  • Jason and Tony's parents are trying to control something that they can't control. It's easy enough to keep the boys in their room, but keeping them in their beds behind a closed door is something else.

    For best bedtime results the activity level in the home should slow down for a period of time prior to bedroom time.

    Notice that I called it bedroom time instead of bedtime. With that say, "Guys, it's bedroom time. We love you and look forward to seeing you in the morning. Make sure that we don't hear things that might cause us an energy drain. Sleep tight! Love you."
Before starting this routine, watch the DVD, Simple Parenting Strategies: For Raising Great Kids in Complicated Times, so that you are prepared to deal with the situation the next day, if necessary.
To see more helpful resources click HERE and visit the Love and Logic website!

Friends That Think Alike!

School is so much more fun when you have a friend to share everyday with! We are lucky at HO4K's that all the kids are such good friends. Some of the kids even think alike:) These two were thrilled when they showed up to school wearing the exact same outfit on the same day! They both look so cute and their smiles make our day!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Learning in Many Different Ways

When painting children learn fine motor skills as well as the step by step application process. For example, the little one above is just learning that the paint goes on the paper and not in your mouth! Look how creative she is! The little ones below follow the 3 step process to painting pumpkins. First they paint the pumpkin orange, next they glue 3 triangles on for the nose and mouth. Finally, the students choose the expression for the mouth. Painting is lots of fun and is a great tool to enhance fine motor skills that eventually help with writing skills. 

Standards addressed with painting activities:

6.PK.1 Demonstrate skills in eye-hand coordination (e.g., stacking, sorting, lacing toys, stringing beads,
reproducing basic patterns, complete six-piece puzzle, Legos and peg-boards).

6.PK.2 Demonstrate the muscle strength, dexterity, and control needed to manipulate items (e.g., scissors, writing utensil, paint brushes, play dough, buttons/snaps, etc.).

6.PK.3 Use fingered or tripod grasp with drawing, painting or writing instruments.

Although she doesn't know her letters yet, the more exposure the better! Above she is putting letters on and off the flannel board. Playing with letters is important because she becomes familiar with how the letters look. When she is ready she will be able to more easily identify the letters and eventually the sounds! Anytime a child plays with manipulatives it is active learning. 
Nothing is more exciting than when little ones start to initiate their own learning! Even though he is just 11 months old, he picked up the book and started to "read" it all by himself! He knows how to flip through the pages. This is the beginning of understanding the concepts of print! 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Living Love and Logic Tip #59

Telling a Kid What to Do

We see it all the time. Parents lessen their effectiveness, to a large extent, when they tell children what to do. Why is that? Because parents cannot:

  a.  Ensure that the child does it.

  b.  Provide effective consequences for refusal to do it.

So, it's often better not to run around telling children what to do. That often invites rebellion. There are good Love and Logic alternatives:

Give an enforceable statement: "Right now I am expecting (hoping, thinking) that you'll choose to...."

Imply something: Take out a little notebook and start writing. Mutter softly to yourself, "This is something I really need to remember."

State your response as a fact, not a threat: "When we get home you will be able to put some energy back into my system because you are certainly draining it now." (Make sure you follow through with the chore and bask in the energy rays that rain down on you as your child mops the kitchen floor or whatever.)

This article is taken from the Love and Logic website. Please visit HERE for more information on how to implement Love and Logic techniques in your home or classroom!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Play is Deep Learning

The following article is from  *ExchangeEveryDay*    
*October 19, 2012*

*I Think I Can... I Think I Can... I Think I Can.
-The Little Engine that Could*
"Watch children at play and you might suddenly realize that they are not
just frivolously wasting time or mucking about," notes Paul Bailey in his
book, "Think of an Elephant" (London: Watkins Publishing, 2007).
"Child's play is deep learning: a self-directed state of deep "connectedness"
and personal engagement.  It is also an enthusiastic and absorbing state of
relaxed attention — healthy qualities often missing from adult life.  Play
is a creative learning exchange between mind, body, and circumstance into
one integrated and healthy whole.  Awash with symbols and mental imagery,
children at play are learning in a way that can be wildly creative,
insightful, and visionary....

"Research shows that the more animals play, the bigger their brains grow.
Moreover, brain imaging techniques show that social play seems to rewire
our brain, increasing the activity of connections between our brain cells.
Play also helps develop our logical reasoning, our ability to learn, and
our behavioral flexibility."

These children are building and playing with blocks. As you can see some are working together while our little ones watch and learn how to build.  The student below even created individual rooms, adding people and pretending what goes into each room (ex. a bathroom and bedroom, etc.) This is great modeling for the younger children with advance skills in building and pretending!

As stated above, "play" time is actually critical learning time. Look below to see just some of the Nevada Preschool Standards that are addressed while doing an activity like block building. 

4.PK.1c Respect rights and belongings of others ****Take note above at the little one, who even though tempted to knock the blocks over, respected the work of the older student! Wow! This takes restraint :)
1.PK.1a Make independent choices from diverse interest centers or activities.
1.PK.1b Select materials to use for individual expression.
1.PK.2b Acknowledge actions and accomplishments verbally and non verbally.
1.PK.2a Express ideas for activities; initiate and participate in discussions with teachers or peers.
5.PK.1a Play independently.
5.PK.1b Play in pairs and small groups.
5.PK.1c Engage in dramatic play.
5.PK.1d Initiate play, or enter into play with a group of children already playing.
5.PK.2a Participate in cooperative groups to complete a task.
5.PK.2b Take turns with teacher support.
5.PK.2c Share some of the time.

2.PK.1 Select progressively more challenging tasks.
2.PK.2b Express satisfaction when accomplishing a task and achieving a goal.
2.PK.3 Demonstrate persistence by trying again when faced with challenges.

6.PK.1 Demonstrate skills in eye-hand coordination time your little one wants to "play", think of all the learning that is about to take place and just have fun!

Saturday, October 20, 2012



We are closed Friday, Oct. 26, 2012.  

Yes, we will be open on Halloween Day, Wed., Oct. 31. Children may wear or bring their costumes. We will have our annual Halloween costume Parade that day at 10:00 am, after which we will have a ghoulish snack at 10:30.  All are welcome to join us! 

Please advise if you would like to donate any items for a healthy, low sugar ghoulish snack.....of which we are open for suggestions. :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Living Love and Logic Tip #58

Are Kids Growing Up Too Fast … or Are Too Many Adults Failing to Grow Up

None of the girls in my second grade class wore makeup or short skirts. None of the boys had designer jeans or trendy haircuts. Few of the girls wanted much to do with the boys. I suppose they were smart. Our feelings weren't hurt. Worms, bugs, and other gross stuff were more fun to play with anyway.

Have you noticed the change? Is it just me, or does it seem a bit premature for kids to be "dating" in elementary school? Am I the only one, or do you also feel a bit uneasy seeing a young girl with all the cosmetic trappings of a hip twenty-year-old? Do little kids really need their own cell phones?

Do little kids really need their own cell phones?

Is this trend mostly the result of kids growing up too rapidly, or is it largely due to the fact that so many adults are reluctant to act like mature adult role models?

It's tough to learn maturity in a pervasively immature culture.


To be fair, the vast majority of people who take the time to read tips about parenting are making a valiant effort to provide a great example for their kids. I know I'm preaching to the choir! The tough part is that being in the choir doesn't keep our kids from living in a less than choir-like society.

Listed below are four encouragements for you:
  • If you are modeling personally and socially respectful behavior and dress, pat yourself on the back.
  • If you set limits such as, "I provide clothing that I feel good about," you're part of the solution!
  • If you've decided that your family doesn't spend its time watching raunchy junk on TV, I want to thank you.
  • If your kids are annoyed with you as a result, you are on the right track!
There is hope for this world! That is, as long as enough of us are brave enough to show kids what it looks like to be men and women of honor.

This article, parenting techniques and more information can be found HERE at the Love and Logic Website. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monster Soup

The students enjoyed the start to a magical Halloween season this week as they were introduced to Monster Soup! Ms JoAnn told the students how she found a recipe hidden by monsters under her bed! The monsters told her that whatever she does, NOT to feed it to children! It was full of wiggly stuff that kids will never eat. Of course, this exaggerated and imaginative story only made the children curious and excited to try such a mysterious meal!
Rotten chicken broth
Moldy Bok Choy
Wilted Napa cabbage
Bug infested brown rice


1. First cook rice
2. Simmer vegetables in broth
3. Add rice
4. Eat and enjoy

Every kid that tried it liked it....and all but one tried it!
The delivery of the story was the best seller!

As students continue to study the #2, letter Uu, and Halloween they decided to create their own 2 ugly monsters to go along with the following chant:
There are 2 ugly monsters
Under my bed,
With floppy ears
sticking out of their heads.
With 1 (say body part ie; arm) up
And 1 (arm) down
They wiggle their (say body part, ie; hips)
Around and around,
Their faces get all scrunched up too...
Those ugly beasts look....just.....
Like....... YOU!

Such much more Halloween fun to come at HO4K!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

London Bridges Falling Down

Our little ones learn best by watching others around them. Several weeks ago the older children played movement games like London Bridges Falling Down and Ring Around the Roses. We helped each other learn how to sing and play. How adorable that we captured on film the little ones initiating and playing on their own. Holding hands, they played together nicely, trying to recite the words and sing along! We have the cutest kiddos!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Living Love and Logic Tip #57

Need Attention

Johnny had a need. Not many things in life sent him messages that said, "You're important" or "There is something special about you."
At school, Johnny felt the need to test and see if anybody found him to be important or special. He craved being noticed. As a result, he acted out a lot. He sought attention from fellow students and teachers in negative ways and gave adults fits.
Many of Johhny's teachers showed frustration. But Mrs. DeJesus was different. She would wander up to Johnny when he wasn't asking for attention, smile and notice something about him - that he liked basketball or that he was getting taller. She didn't take a lot of time or embarrass him in front of the class. She just scooted by his desk, noticed something unique about him and quickly moved on.
In spite of himself, Johnny found that he was drawn to Mrs. D. He always wanted to share news with her or find ways to please her. A strange thing happened in Mrs. DeJesus's class: the more she noticed Johnny, the less he messed around trying to be noticed. She met his need, but she did it on her terms.
Effective adults see unmet needs that are barriers to kids' success. Then, they plan healthy ways to help those needs get met.
To learn more about proactive techniques that can be used with your little one visit the Love and Logic website HERE!

Learning to Tie Shoes!

New skills always take practice and patience. All children are ready at different times to learn how to tie their shoes. There are "tricks", songs, videos, etc. all available to help our little ones learn in their own way. The student below uses determination to figure it out! While they are learning such a complex small motor skill it is important for us to encourage, teach and have patience with them!
 For some it takes longer to grasp than others!

Nevada Preschool State Standards addressed:

Physical Development

Demonstrate skills in eye-hand coordination (e.g., stacking, sorting, lacing toys, stringing beads,
reproducing basic patterns, complete six-piece puzzle, Legos and peg-boards).

Demonstrate the muscle strength, dexterity, and control needed to manipulate items (e.g., scissors, writing utensil, paint brushes, play dough, buttons/snaps, etc.).

Saturday, October 6, 2012


The Logic Won't Happen Without the LoveWeekly Tip from the Love and Logic® Experts

The Logic Won't Happen Without The Love!
How do we help our kids develop the type of cause-effect logic that leads to good decision-making? Is it by showing them how tough we are, or is it by showing them how much we love them as they experience the tough consequences of their poor decisions?
Our anger allows kids to blame us for the consequences
of their poor decisions.
Our loving empathy forces them to blame themselves
for these consequences.
If we're forgetting our sincere empathy, it will increase the odds that they'll lack the logical, commonsense reasoning required to stay safe in today's complex world.
Some reminders…
  • Lock in the empathy first!

    Before describing consequences, do your best to establish a sincere love connection with your child. Whenever appropriate, pair your words (e.g. "This is so sad.") with caring eye contact and touch.

    This also applies to setting limits. Before saying, "You may have that toy when you can afford it," take a moment to show your love.

To see additional reminders and for more information click HERE!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Learning With Blue Jeans

Every child enjoys tearing and ripping things! So when learning about the letter J this week, students loved the hands on activity of pulling at and ripping old jeans. Some students had  to work together and some were able to do it alone! Students used their small motor skills, determination and strength to tear small pieces of jean material to later glue inside the letters Jj.

Anything that uses small motor skills such as pinching, is a great pre-writing skill. It helps with the pencil grasp and prepares students for writing skills. Of course it was a great time to also review the color blue. Wow, what fun we have!

Positive Feedback

Do you give positive feedback often to the amazing staff at HO4K? The kids at HO4K are the luckiest around and it is because of the hard work  of Ms JoAnn and Ms Mary! Below is just one parents comments!
"Love it…thank you for taking such wonderful care of our babies…and for your love and support over the years! We appreciate you so much. I have often been asked (especially returning to work so early) how I could ever leave my babies at a “daycare place” so young. I feel so happy and so confident when I explain to them what a wonderful place and what wonderful people they get to be with each and every day, and that it has never felt like a “daycare”…but more like family!
Thank you for all you do…"
We all echo the above... "THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!"

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Sweet New Addition

We are excited to have a 6 week old sibling join us part time! Ms Mary, is the "baby whisper" and is thrilled, along with Ms JoAnn, to snuggle and cuddle this adorable new addition! We just love the diversity of ages at HO4K!

Love and Logic Class

Invites You To:
“Becoming a Love and Logic Parent”® / Provider
With JoAnn Worthen Nelson, National Independent Facilitator
Two time Nominee and Recipient SNAEYC Early Childhood Outstanding Professional of the Year

Learn How To:
* Give Children Skills to Resist Tattling, Being Bossy, Hurting Others & Whining
* Teach responsibility without creating anger and resentment
End exhausting hassles over:
* Cleaning-up, Meals, Power struggles, Chores, Bed Time Routines and Rivalry with Siblings & Friends
Learn What to Do When:
* Kids Drain Your Energy, Time-Out Doesn’t Work,
* Kids Won’t Listen and Talk Back
Discover How To:
* Get places on time without stress, Avoid Temper Tantrums…no matter where you are,
* Discipline without anger, Gain cooperation at home & school
Works For All Ages ! ! !
For enrollment return form below to: To RSVP Contact: JoAnn W. Nelson by Text: 275-6218 Cell: 775-557-8580 or email:

(also for more information go to:
9 hours Approved by the NV Registry

DATE: Thurs. Oct 4, 11 & 18, 2012

LOCATION: Temple Beth Sholom
10700 Haven Wood Lane, LV NV 89135
TIME: 5:00 – 8:00 pm
COST: $90 per person or $170 for two
Optional Parent Handbook available at discounted price of $15. at the door
Space is Limited – Mail Today to: HO4K, 1008 Santa Helena Ave., Hend., NV 89002
1- Enroll today to avoid cancellation of class. Registration must be received 2 days prior to scheduled class
2- Sign in begins ½ hour prior to the start of class
3- There are no refunds - substitutions okay
4- Nv Registry requires attendance to all 3 weeks for teachers/providers to receive certificate, no partial credit given
5- Please, no children, - nursing babies ok
Please print clearly
Check / Money Order payable to: Hands-On-4-Kids

Parent Coaching

Do you or someone you know need personal Parent Coaching 911? New rates are now available. Contact me for more information.

What is Parent Coaching? Just like it sounds.....I coach parents to help improve parenting techniques by applying easy and fun to use tools from Love and Logic (R). Parenting remedies for when kids cook up the unexpected. We've all been in situations where we find ourselves asking "Oh great, what do I do now?" How would it feel if you never had these fears again If this sounds good to you....let me come to your home for lots of giggles and plenty of easy to use strategies to help you handle the unexpected. Guaranteed to lower your stress level and make life fun again. The great news is that it works on kids of all ages----toddlers to teens and even adult children!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Living Love and Logic Tip #55

Who is Shaping Your Kids Behavior?
What if you could hire, at a minimal charge, a young celebrity to come into your home, sit down with your young ones, and spend several hours preaching the undesirable behaviors that appear in many of the popular TV shows? And what if you could afford for these celebrities to come every day to help convince your kids that these behaviors are good and moral? Would you do it?
Repetition and modeling is one of the most powerful tools used to shape behavior. Is this who you want shaping the behavior and attitudes of your children?
Could this be happening already? The TV serves that same purpose in many homes. The messages pushed by the shows favored by teens and preteens have changed in the last fifteen years.
If this has snuck up on you, check out what TV programming is teaching your youngsters about narcissistic, immoral, and violent behavior, and then decide for yourself if you want this drummed into your child's head.
Laura Lauder reminds us that the viewing audience has more power than we realize…no viewing audience + no program = no dollars to support the stations. The viewing audience has all the control. She reminds us that we can help end objectionable TV/media. Here's what can be done:
  2. Contact the advertisers and tell them you object to the content of the shows and you are requesting that they not support such programming.
  3. Contact the television stations and tell them you object to such programming and that you will not support the advertisers of that station.
Some parents use TV as a babysitter. There is a high price to pay for hiring the wrong sitter.
To learn more about Love and Logic click HERE!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Water Play

Really? Could the kids at HO4K get any luckier? The kids love to get wet and to play in the water on the warm days. It is always fun to watch as they invent new games, use their imaginations and practice their social skills. Little or big, we find ways to splash and have fun together.

Students came up with the idea to wash the outside toys and make a "car wash" for cleaning! What a great time splashing and cleaning we had. It is always more fun to "clean" when it involves dramatic play, imagination and getting wet! Needless to say, the toys are clean and so are the kiddos!
WHOA! Look how he can balance 3 cups full of water while helping to clean! What a great helper!

Students came up with the idea to wash the outside toys and make a "car wash" for cleaning! What a great time splashing and cleaning we had. It is always more fun to "clean" when it involves dramatic play, imagination and getting wet! Needless to say, the toys are clean and so are the kiddos!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Who Has Rhythm?

When children have guided play time with instruments, they naturally start to create rhythmic patterns. The student above experimented with loud, soft, fast and hard movements. This created different sounds. She also was able to copy patterns using her instrument. What fun we have dancing and exploring with movement and music!
Our little ones also love to "play" the musical instruments. They are learning how to cooperatively share and take turns while creating music together. Above they are using hand-eye coordination and their motor skills to practice playing the instruments. As they continue to develop these skills, it is music to our ears!
Some of the Nevada Preschool State Standards addressed through these activities would be: Music and Movement1.PK.3a
Recognize and select a variety of simple songs, finger plays, musical games, and musical activities alone and with others.
Play and identify a variety of musical instruments.
2.PK.2Participate in a rhythm instrument band.

Accompany simple music with rhythminstruments or clapping.

Improvise simple songs and rhythmic patterns using voice, body or instrument.


I'll never forget the first time I tried to use a Love and Logic "technique" on my wife. We were having a bit of marital tension that had evolved into a small argument. I can't remember what the spat was all about…probably because I was doing such a lousy job listening in the first place. I do remember going through my mental menu of techniques, considering which would be best to use on her.
Out of my mouth came a rather mechanical and insincere version of, "I love you too much to argue."
She wasn't impressed! In fact, she banned me from ever using "Love and Logic" on her again.
Is it true that the condition of our heart determines the impact of our actions? At the precise time of this incident, was my heart filled with sincere love and empathy, or was this squelched by my desire to control my wife?
Is it possible that many of the interpersonal frustrations we experience in life boil down to our attempts to control others with techniques, instead of building sincere relationships? Is it also possible that focusing on techniques enables some of us to insulate ourselves from the messy yet extremely rewarding intimacy achieved through such relationships?
There's nothing wrong with techniques or skills, as long as they're used within the context of love.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Welcome to many new friends!

 We always feel so lucky when new kiddos join us at HO4K's! We are even more lucky, because we have several incredibly sweet and smart new additions! Please make sure to welcome our new friends and their families next time you stop by!